有馬 弘隆

Birthplace :    Kagosima-pref. 
D.O.B. :   1974/12/27
Hobbies : Eat natural foods. Resort stay.

出身地 : 鹿児島県
生年月日: 1974/12/27
趣 味 : 自然食、リゾートステイ



Joined the Hair salon imaii in 1994 in Omotesando Tokyo and was in charge of the fashion and the beauty magazines along with the salon works. Also, was in charge of the hair show and directed by the show and worked as the coordinated lectures and the instructors. Acted as the salon manager for 8 years old at imaii, and worked there for 15 years.  Established the beauty businness, tres inc. in 2013.

Favorite Style & Specialty

Easy to reproduce at home, and to handle by yourself.Good form of bob styles.  as well as the medium to the long  palm wave hair styles.Also handles for the men customers who likes to be short by the section .


It is the most important thing for TRES is that to communicate with the customers.  We are aiming that the beauty salon which provide the bit of the inspiration and the comfortableness by using the tool of the beauty.We will have a selective hair care products with the professional cutting. We are so happy for you to us to select as a one of your personal salon.


1994年表参道 imaii に入社。サロンワークの傍らファッション誌や美容業界紙を担当。又、ヘアショーの演出・出演、講習会講師等を担当。同社に15年勤務 内8年間サロンマネージャーを務める。 同社退社後、美容業を開業。2013年株式会社 tres を設立。


シルエットの綺麗なボブスタイル 。ミディアム.ロングのパーマスタイル。



ご予約は、03-6257-3993 にてお問合せ下さい。

Please contact us at 03-6257-3993 for reservation.

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