Birthplace : Saga-pref.
D.O.B. : 1972/2/22
Hobbies : Manga “sunny” Animation “Ping Pong” by
Taiyo Matsumoto.
出身地 : 佐賀県小城市
生年月日: 1972/2/22
趣 味 : マンガ 「sunny」アニメ「ピンポン」
松本 大洋にはまってます。
Joined at Hair salon imaii in 1991 in Omotesando Tokyo. Handled the many fashion magazines and beauty magazines. Left imaii in 2004 and become the free lance. Was in charged or the hair stylist on the television “Nijiiro Ji-n” as well as the instructor as the fashion rescue, of the total coordination school.
Favorite Style & Specialty
The short hair styles and the medium layers with the front bangs or the short bangs.
I will offer the hair styles which is “ the self who wants to be ” or “ by your own self ” as the most important hearing from you, and consider you the hair qualities, and also looking for your face and skeletal. The hair styles can be offered by your own individual personalities.
1991年表参道 imaiiに入社。サロンワーク以外にも、ファッション誌、業界紙等を多数担当。2004年退社後フリーランスに。テレビ にじいろジーン変身企画ヘアスタイリング担当。ファッションレスキュー(トータルコーディネート会社)学校講師も担当。
ショートヘア と前髪あり前髪短めのミディアムレイヤー